Sunday school


Every Sunday morning at 9:00AM, the hallways of NMBC are buzzing with excitement as our church divides up into small groups in order to study the Bible in a more intimate environment. These small groups foster an atmosphere where honest discussions about the challenges of life can take place and both struggles and praises are shared openly with the class. The goal of our Sunday School Ministry is for each class member to grow and be enriched spiritually in their daily walk with Christ. Sunday School Teachers challenge their members to grow in the nurture and admonition of our Lord by making them bold in their faith. Each class encourages its members to reach out to our community and bring others with them so that they too may become a vibrant part of the family of God. We have a class for everyone. Don't miss this opportunity to get to know people just like you who are trying to make an impact for Christ.

AS WE GROW LARGER, WE MUST GROW SMALLER We understand at NMBC that as our church continues to grow, people may begin to feel like they might get lost in the crowd and no longer feel connected with other members of the congregation. We realize that the only way to respond to that concern is to grow smaller by connecting people with others through the use of small groups in our Sunday School. This helps keep our church healthy and thriving and able to accomplish the mission that God has given NMBC. Come join us as we ground ourselves in the Word of God and then seek to reach our community and the world for Christ.

PLANNING TO VISIT? If you are planning on visiting one of our Sunday School classes, we cordially invite you to take advantage of our Visitor Parking, which is located directly in front of our Sanctuary (You will need to circle the building to find these parking spots). Upon entering the church through the Sanctuary doors, one of our friendly ushers will escort you to our Sunday School Welcome Desk, where our courteous volunteers will make sure you find a class that perfectly fits you and each member of your family.

  • Music


    "Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet; Praise Him with the lute and harp! Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes! Praise Him with loud cymbals; Praise Him with clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" - Psalm 150 The NMBC Music Ministry seeks to give anyone who has a willing and sincere heart, an opportunity to use their gifts and talents in praise to the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Our music ministry includes the Sanctuary Choir, the Sanctuary Orchestra, the Youth Praise Team, (4) Children's Choirs, and a Children's Handbell Choir.


    Director: Linda Taylor

    Assistant: Lisa Watkins

    The Sanctuary Choir practices each  Wednesday following the evening service at 8PM.

    The Sanctuary Orchestra assists in both the Morning and Evening Worship Services each week. If you play an orchestral instrument and would like to be a part of this dynamic ensemble,  please contact Linda Taylor.  The NMBC Sanctuary Orchestra is open to 7th Graders - Adults.


    Director(s): Jake Barton

    Assistant: Lucas Allen and Zac Conner

    This ensemble consists of 7th grade - 12th grade youth who either play a praise band instrument and/or are vocally proficient. These youth must be willing to use their talents to help lead our NMBC Youth Group in weekly praise during the Wednesday Night Bible Study. Each youth must make a personal commitment to mature in their walk with Christ. They and their parents must also be willing to commit to consistent attendance at the required weekly rehearsals on Wednesday at 6 pm.


    The NMBC SALT & LIGHT Children's Choir meets each week on Wednesday night and are divided into four (4) Age-Graded choirs (see below). We teach basic musicianship skills and spiritual principles that will help impact your child's spiritual walk with Christ.

    The SALT & LIGHT Children's Choir will sing jointly on (1) Sunday Morning Service during the Fall & Spring Semester.

    Each Christmas our SALT & LIGHT Children's Choir leads the congregation in a night of Christmas Music and a telling of the Christmas Story.

    Each Spring, the Green & Yellow Light Choirs present a Full-Length Children's Musical.

    The Red & Blue Light Choirs open this night with multiple selections of their favorite songs of the year. Don't let your kid(s) miss out on this wonderful time of fun and spiritual growth.

    Green Light Choir (4th - 6th Grade) - 6:00PM Director: Linda Taylor Assistants: Justin & Lidia Smith

    Yellow Light Choir (1st - 3rd Grade) - 6:00PM Director: Lisa Watkins Assistant: Michelle Jordan

    Red Light Choir (4 & 5 Yr Old) - 6:00PM Director: Sherry Finchum Assistant: Danielle Rich

    Blue Light Choir (2 & 3 Yr Old) - 6:30PM Director: Darlene Breeden Assistant: Kristi Lowe

    NMBC CHILDREN'S HANDBELLS (September - April)

    Director: Sherry Finchum Assistants: Deana Williamson, Justin & Lidia Smith

    Our Children's Handbell Choir meets each Sunday evening in the Fellowship Hall Balcony at 7:00PM and is open to any child in the 3rd Grade - 6th Grade who would like to participate.

  • Outreach

    "And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." - Matthew 28:18-20


    Church-Wide Outreach - Mondays, 6:00PM


    Thursday, Friday, & Saturday before Easter Sunday The Trail to the Empty Tomb is an outdoor drama production depicting the last week in the life of our Lord. A cast of over one hundred church members that are dressed in biblical costumes and are under the backdrop of decorative scenery will guide visitors through ten progressive scenes that took place during the Passion Week from Christ's Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem, His Crucifixion, His resurrection, and then His Ascension into Heaven. As Visitors travel through the different scenes of the Holy Week they will hear Scripture that pertains to each scene.

  • Children

    The Children's Ministry at NMBC exists to honor God by partnering with parents to help them nurture children that are passionate about living for Jesus. Every activity that is planned for our Children's Ministry is Bible-focused, kid-friendly, safe, fun, and relevant to our overall mission of discipling kids in their walk with Christ. We strive to make Sunday and Wednesday the highlight of your child's week. Here is an example of our Children's Ministry weekly schedule:

    Sunday Children's Sunday School - 9:00AM

    Children's Church - 10:15AM 

    Wednesday Children's Choirs - 6:00 & 6:30PM (AUGUST-MAY)

    RAs / GAs / Mission Friends - 7:00PM

  • Youth

    There is always something going on for the youth at NMBC.

    If you are in 7th-12th grade we invite you to join us as we strive to glorify God. We realize the importance of family and the influence parents have in their students' lives. Our goal is to partner with the family by discipling each teenager to grow in their personal relationship with Christ.

    Here is an example of our weekly schedule:

    Sunday Sunday School - 9:00 am

    Wednesday Youth Praise Band Practice 6 pm-7 pm

    Youth Bible Study 7:00 pm

    We look forward to seeing you soon!

  • College & career

    The NMBC College Ministry exists to provide a warm, nurturing atmosphere for college students as they face new and ever-changing challenges in their lives by helping them mature in their walk with Christ. We realize college can be a time of growth and we want to maximize the potential of each college student and their walk with the Lord. We schedule activities throughout the year and also participate in mission activities during the summer.

    Weekly events include:

    Sunday Sunday School - 9:00 am

    Wednesdays Bible Study- 7:00 pm We gather together for a topical discussion-led Bible Study. This is a great time to get to know other local college students from several different colleges and universities.

  • vacation bible school

    Online Registration is now closed.

    You may register upon arrival just outside the Sanctuary doors.

    WHO CAN ATTEND? Children entering Kindergarten - Children entering 7th Grade fall 2025. 3 & 4 Year Old are also welcome to attend.

    WHERE IS VBS HELD? New Market Baptist Church: 921 Churchview Street, New Market, TN

    WHEN IS VBS? June 2-6, 2025 from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

    HOW MUCH DOES VBS COST? Nothing! True North VBS is free

    WILL THERE BE AN OFFERING AT TRUE NORTH VBS? The offering taken each night is strictly OPTIONAL and will go to provide pure water to children in India. The offering will be collected in Camp each night.

    WHO WILL BE WITH MY CHILD? Kids and adults travel in small groups or Crew. Each Crew will have 1-2 Adults and a middle school or high school aged "sibling". Each Crew will be made up of 10-12 Children of various ages we will make every effort to ensure that each child has at least one familiar face in their Crew.

    WHAT IS TRUE NORTH VBS?: The ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. As kids trek the tundra, they'll explore how easy it is easy to lose sight of what's true in our wild world today. Point kids to Jesus, a faithful friend we can always trust. It's hard to find your way in a world gone wild. But we have Jesus-our true north!

    Kids and Adults will also compete in low-tech, high energy games where crews compete against each other to win it all in motion games.

    Kids and Adults will then explore the Imagination Station where they will learn skills and crafts from their handy neighbors in  camp! Each participant will be given three (3) Gold Coins each night where they can spend one or two of them on crafts and skills and then use the other one to purchase a snack at the Tundra Treats Cafe.

    Each night will conclude where it all began at Sing & Play Studio as we sing praises to God while incorporating motions to help us remember the truth about God.

    FURTHER QUESTIONS? Contact our Church Office Monday - Thursday from 9:00AM - 5:00PM at

    (865) 475-4862.

    We look forward to seeing you at:  TRUE NORTH VBS!

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